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(Dir. REMY BAZERQUE | UK | 2020 | 10m)

Production Company: Sweetdoh Films

Things get wild at the 'VISA and Immigration Services' when Karim, a young Iranian father living in the UK is mistakenly threatened with deportation.

“LEAVE TO REMAIN intends to lay a darkly comic and angry look at the increasingly dehumanised relationship our modern societies entertain with immigration. In the future, immigration will only become a more central issue in our societies as the world becomes even more globalised and I find the approach taken by the Home Office in the UK (and in Western countries in general) particularly hypocritical, as its 'Hostile Environment' policy aims to obfuscate and confuse behind hurdles of tricky bureaucracy in order to drive people away. In other words: don't say no, just make it unliveable and people will eventually get tired of it and leave.

The point of the film is to mock and condemn this hypocrisy and give the Home Office some stick for it."

– Remy Bazerque, Writer-Director

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